Thursday, May 29, 2008


Poor Lee. Both of his girls graduated this year. Ashley graduated from Bradley-Bourbonnais Community High School this past Friday. Jaimee graduated from Bradley Central Middle School on Tuesday. He said he was OK after Ashley's graduation (I couldn't go), but on our way home from Jaimee's he got a little teary-eyed about his little girls.

Lee was responsible for taking pictures of Ashley's graduation. Photography is definitely NOT one of his talents. Here are a few pictures:

OK, so he didn't take the last picture, and my camera is on the complicated side, so we'll cut him a little slack. There were over 400 graduates in Ashley's class. It was a long ceremony. That's Lee's dad, Herschel, with them in the last picture.

I took pictures at Jaimee's graduation. Well, I started to anyway. Then the batteries died. I felt like such an idiot for not having charged them during the day Tuesday. You can bet I won't make that mistake again. So, I missed the all important getting-the-diploma-shaking-the-principal's-hand shot, but we got some batteries on the way back to their house so I got some decent after-grad shots.

I made Ashley put on her graduation gown when we got back after Jaimee's ceremony so I could take some pictures of them together. This is what hit Lee right in the gut I think.

It's hard to believe we'll be doing all of this next year for Marli and Tyler. Time goes by too fast!


Jennifer said...

Congrats girls!!